From Procrastinator to Bibliophile: How I Finally Achieved My Goal of Reading 52 Books in 2023

Hey, there! So, you’ve stumble onto my humble corner of the internet. You're probably here because you saw the title and thought, "Hold up, did this guy really read 52 books in a year?!" Well, yes, my friend, I did. I achieved the seemingly impossible task in 2023, and along the way I learned that the average CEO reads 60 books per year -- so maybe what I accomplished wasn't that crazy after all.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Even so, how on earth does he (or those CEOs) have the time?!" (or maybe, "Does this guy not have a life?"). But let me assure you, I wasn't holed up in a library all year (not that there's anything wrong with that!). As a marketer, I had to find a way to read more while juggling the daily demands of my work. And guess what? It's totally doable and I'm about to show you how! 

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Richard Steele

Reading is more than just a hobby or a pastime, particularly for us marketers. It's a way of expanding our knowledge, feeding our creativity, and staying ahead in this fast-paced industry. But let's be real, finding the time (and sometimes the motivation) to read can be tough. 

So, how did I read 52 books in a year? Here's a sneak peek of what you'll find in this article: 

  • My personal reading strategies and tips.

  • How to develop a reading habit that sticks.

  • Ways to effectively consume large volumes of content.

  • The impact reading had on my professional growth and success.

Does that sound good to you? I promise, by the end of this article, you'll be inspired and equipped with the tools to crush your own reading goals. So, buckle up, it's about to get bookish!

Why Should Marketers Read a Lot? 

Before we dive into the how, it's to understand the why. Why should marketers (or anyone, really) read a lot? Well, let me tell you a little secret. Reading is not just about filling your head with facts and figures, it's about expanding your mind and your worldview. It's about gaining insights into human behavior, understanding different perspectives, and most importantly, it's about learning to think critically and strategically – all crucial skills for any marketer. (Whew, who knew reading could be so profound, right?) 

Setting the Right Goals 

So, how did I manage to read 52 books in a year? It all started with setting the right goals. I didn't just wake up one day and decide to read a book a week. No, I started small. I set a goal to read 12 books in a year, one book per month. It seemed manageable but still challenging, and it forced me to create a reading habit. And guess what? I exceeded that goal, and then some. (Who's a reading rockstar now? Hint: it's me). 

Choosing the Right Books 

The next step was choosing the right books. As a marketer, I wasn't just reading for fun (although, let's be honest, reading is always fun), I was reading to learn. So, I focused on books that would help me grow professionally and personally. I read books on marketing strategies, customer psychology, brand storytelling, digital innovations, leadership, and personal development. I even threw in some fiction for good measure (because who doesn't love a good story?). 

Creating a Reading Schedule 

Now, this is where things get a little tricky. How do you find the time to read, especially when you're juggling a busy career and personal life? The answer lies in creating a reading schedule. I dedicated specific times each day for reading. Sometimes, it was early in the morning, sometimes late at night. Sometimes, it was during lunch breaks or while commuting. The point is, I made reading a priority (and so can you). 

Embracing a Variety of Formats 

Another key strategy was embracing a variety of formats. I read physical books, e-books, and audiobooks. Each format has its own advantages. Physical books are great for deep, focused reading. E-books are convenient and portable. Audiobooks are perfect for multitasking. By switching between formats, I was able to fit more reading into my day. 

So, there you have it. That's how I read 52 books in 2023. It wasn't easy, but it was definitely worth it. And with these strategies, I believe you can do it too. Ready to get started? Let's turn the page and begin our reading journey together.

Develop a Reading Schedule 

First things first, you need to establish a reading schedule. I cannot stress this enough - consistency is key. How did I do it? I decided to read at least one book per week. Sure, it doesn't sound like much, but over time it adds up (52 weeks equals 52 books, after all). 

Pick Books Wisely 

The next thing is choosing what books to read. This isn't just about picking books that you'll enjoy (though that's obviously important). It's also about picking books that will help you grow professionally. I focused on marketing books because, well, I'm a marketer. But you should choose books that align with your industry and career goals. 

Don't Be Afraid to DNF 

Do Not Finish (DNF) isn't a sign of failure, but rather an acknowledgment that not every book will resonate with you. Remember, the goal is to gain knowledge and improve your skills, not to torture yourself with books you don't enjoy. I had my share of DNFs, and trust me, it wasn't the end of the world. 

Engage With the Content 

Reading isn't just about consuming information. It's about engaging with it, understanding it, and applying it. Whenever I read a book, I took notes, highlighted key points, and pondered how I could implement the learned ideas into my own marketing strategies. It's like having a conversation with the author and getting personal coaching. 

Combine Reading with Other Activities 

No time to read? No problem! Try combining reading with other activities. Audiobooks were a game changer for me. I listened to them during my workouts, on my commute, while doing household chores - the possibilities are endless! 

In a nutshell, reading 52 books in a year is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires consistency, smart choices, and, above all, a love for learning. So, here's my challenge to you: Can you read 52 books in 2024? I bet you can, and I can't wait to hear about your journey.

Maximizing Your Reading Experience: Tips for Effective Comprehension

Okay, let's dive right in! You're probably wondering how I managed to chew through 52 books like a hyper-literate beaver, right? Well, it's all about making the most out of every page, every paragraph, heck, every word! Here are some tips that helped me enhance my comprehension skills and ultimately, supercharge my reading experience. 

1. Be Fully Present 

In the era of constant distractions (hello, social media notifications), it's easy to gloss through pages without actually absorbing any information. Reading is not just about moving your eyes across lines of text. It's an active process that demands undivided attention. So, put that phone on silent, find a quiet spot, and immerse yourself in the world of words. 

2. Preview the Book 

Before diving headfirst into a book, take a couple of minutes to skim through the contents, chapter titles, and even the author's bio. It's like checking out the trailer before watching a movie. You get a sense of what you're getting into. This little mental prep work can significantly enhance your understanding and anticipation. 

3. Take Notes (But Don't Turn It Into a Chore) 

Now, I get it, we're not in high school anymore (or are we?), but taking notes can be a game-changer in terms of comprehension. Jotting down key points or exciting ideas helps reinforce the information in your mind. But remember, don't turn note-taking into a tedious task. Keep it fun and casual, kind of like doodling in the margins. 

4. Reflect and Review 

After finishing a chapter or section, take a moment to reflect on what you've read. What were the key points? How does it relate to what you already knew? This kind of internal dialogue helps consolidate your understanding. Plus, it's a great opportunity for some introspective pondering (who doesn't love that?). 

5. Read Out Loud (Sometimes) 

Ever find yourself reading the same paragraph over and over again? Try reading it out loud. This simple trick can work wonders for your comprehension. But remember, don't do this in a library, unless you fancy being chased out by an angry librarian (I speak from personal experience). 

And there you have it! Five juicy tips to make your reading time more effective and enjoyable. Remember, the goal isn't just to race through books. It's about soaking up knowledge, ideas, and perspectives that can enrich your professional and personal life. So, ready to embark on your own reading marathon? I'll see you at the finish line!


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