7 Questions Every Marketer Must Ask

  1. Can you keep track of all of your client or employer’s instructions and tasks?

  2. Can you focus only on revenue-generating projects?

  3. Do you have an ever-growing list of social media posts to answer, overfilled inboxes, and browser tabs?

  4. Does the stack of unfinished projects leave you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated?

  5. Do you struggle to concentrate and feel unsure of where to start when you sit down to work?

  6. Are you easily swayed by the next meeting, task, or emergency, neglecting to fully engage with your loved ones?

  7. Are you tirelessly busy but feel like you're not making progress in the areas that truly matter to you?

If you answered ‘no’ to all of these questions then congrats — you don’t need to make any major changes. You’re likely already a Marketing Ronin.

But if any of these sounded like you then it’s time to make a change. I want to help you start doing your best work and maximize your productivity, creativity, and impact.

Read on to find out how 👇

Hi. I’m Kevin 👋

I’m the guy behind the Marketing Ronin Methodology.

Over the past 11 years, I’ve worked with companies in all phases of their business lifecycle. From scrappy startups to mom-and-pops, to Fortune 200 companies. I’ve counted clients from all walks of life and just about any industry you can imagine.

During that time, I had to adapt my approach numerous times. I suffered from burnout twice as I threw myself into my work, driven by an all-consuming desire to obtain the lowest possible cost-per-acquisition and biggest return-on-ad-spend for my clients.

The Marketing Ronin Methodology is the distillation of over a decade filled with victories and failures aplenty. It contains everything I’ve learned about creating a system that not only guarantees maximum output as a marketer but also how to maximize your creativity and avoid burnout as well.

If you’re still reading you’re searching for a new path.

Maybe you’ve suffered from burnout like I have in the past. If so, you aren’t alone. In the tech industry alone, surveys have found that 57.16% of knowledge workers self-describe as ‘burnt-out’. Burnout is, in many ways, the malaise of the 21st century.

Maybe you don’t want to describe it as ‘Burnt Out’ but you may be:

  • Losing track of open threads and conversations is leading you to drop the ball at work or at home.

  • Seeing an increase in responsibilities as you’ve started a new position or business and need to thread the needle between always being high-performing and reclaiming your personal time.

  • Maybe you’ve welcomed a new bundle of joy into your life and no longer have the time you used to but still have all of the same performance numbers you need to hit.

  • Perhaps you have a ton of great ideas but don’t know how to best proceed in order to make the most impact.

Whatever the situation you are in, you are far from alone.

Why is it that we’ve normalized feeling overworked, overextended, and overwhelmed?

Nearly every knowledge worker these days is suffering from a combination of overwork and overextension.

When I ask marketers what their biggest gripes are I get responses like:

“My client wants me to focus less time on [insert revenue generating activity] and more time on [insert vanity project]”

“I have difficulty wrapping my head around what marketing channels are actually going to deliver the best return on ad spend.”

“The speed in which I’m assigned tasks and projects is so great that I can’t ever take the time to actually reflect on why something works or doesn’t.”

“There’s just so many tasks in front of me that I don’t know how to even begin.”

“I feel like I’m not making progress at all.”

Overworked. Overcommitted. Overextended. Overwhelmed.


Things don’t have to be this way, though.

You can take control of the direction both your personal and professional life is heading toward.

You can become a ‘Marketing Ronin

Why Marketing Ronin?

A Ronin refers to a samurai without a lord or master in feudal Japan. Ronins were mercenaries and hired blades. Instead of serving others, the Ronin focused on developing himself and his swordsmanship.

My goal is to make every Marketer a ‘Ronin’.

To empower marketers in such a way in which they break free from top-down direction and instead focus on honing their skills as marketers.

In short, I want every marketer to overcome their limitations, external or internal, and raise the bar of the entire profession’s creative output.

I’ve already helped dozens of people all over the world embark on the path of the Marketing Ronin by:

  • Prioritizing What is Impactful, Urgent, and Possible, allowing them to increase their output, creativity, and performance.

  • Create a ‘Trusted System’, allowing them to keep a digital or analog repository of thoughts, ideas, projects, and reference material for peace of mind.

  • Cultivate Focus, so they are always oriented toward what matters. 

  • Providing high-growth frameworks so they can reach their performance goals.

  • Transcend Limits by empowering them with AI technology, allowing them to do the work of an entire marketing agency.

👣 They’ve Already Begun Their Journey. How About You?

Begin Your Training ⚔️

📣 Limited to 10 individuals per month. First come, first served.

Marketing Ronin for Individuals.

If you’re a marketer, founder, or entrepreneur and are looking to level up your marketing game then this package is for you.

When you embark on your training you’ll receive:

✅ A step-by-step setup guide for incorporating the Marketing Ronin methodology into your life.

✅ Mindset Tips, AI Prompts, and Frameworks for improving your marketing efficiency.

✅ Over 10 hours of one-on-one coaching per month.

✅ A personalized setup guide for creating your trusted analog or digital app.

✅ Lifetime access to our exclusive member area [currently under construction] which will contain podcasts, videos, setup guides, Notion/Obsidian templates, analog system printables, and much much more.

✅ Email support for 12 months.

✅ 2 live group sessions to answer your questions.

✅ Exclusive access to all of the recorded live group sessions.

✅ Lifetime access to our alumni community

Marketing Ronin for Organizations.

If you’re looking to level up your entire organization’s marketing or growth department then this package is for you. At this time, Organizational Pricing is determined by headcount. Please fill out the ‘Request Quote’ form below and I’ll contact you shortly with pricing information.

What people ask me about Marketing Ronin

Thinking about any of these questions? 🤔

  • I understand why you might be skeptical. The world is filled with over-hyped and poorly defined systems which put profit over people.

    Marketing Ronin is different because it’s a system aimed at marketing professionals, specifically. Furthermore, it’s based on timeless, tested principles which have been used by dozens of marketers and advertisers to maintain high levels of productivity and creativity.

    Other systems focus on general work and personal productivity. As a Marketer-specific system, Marketing Ronin provides context-specific frameworks to maximize your impact. One-size never fits all.

  • Because you’ll never do your best work if your mind is bogged down with intrusive thoughts and other mental cruft that you’ve accumulated as a result of not having a trusted system to empty your mind into.

    C.A.R.E.S is a system for achieving personal productivity. It’s only once you have completely mastered this that the S.U.R.E.F.I.R.E method can work to its fullest efficiency.

    S.U.R.E.F.I.R.E is a method created specifically for tackling any marketing or advertising campaign launch. It came about after a decade of direct experience in multiple channels and synthesizes the approaches that have led to excellence into one universal framework that can be applied to any marketing campaign context.

  • You can if you put your mind towards it. We suggest adopting parts of the total methodology slowly and over time, focusing on increasing your productivity and creativity by 1% every day rather than trying to completely transform the way you work.

    By focusing on slow adoption, you’ll build critical habits that will reduce the chance that your productivity system will become overwhelming.

  • Marketing Ronin owes a major debt to existing ‘generalist’ productivity systems. Specifically, Tiago Forte’s BASB and David Allen’s GTD methodologies.

    But Marketing Ronin goes several steps farther. It contains frameworks, habits, mindset recommendations, and practices specifically aimed at Marketing and Advertising productivity.

  • Not if you’re following the methodology correctly. You shouldn’t be spending more than 15-30 minutes actually capturing data, managing inboxes, and doing task management.

    This is a system that prioritizes maximizing your impact as your organization.