Marketing Ronin is a proven total productivity method

for unlocking your full marketing potential.

Get the Marketing Ronin one-pager and take your first steps toward increasing your productivity, creativity, and impact 💪

🎯 Phase 1: Increasing Personal Productivity with C.A.R.E.S.

Phase 1 is all about laying the foundations for your long-term growth as a marketer. By learning the C.A.R.E.S methodology, you’ll acquire high-performing productivity habits and start building your trusted system. It’s only by adopting a trusted productivity system, mindset, and habits that you can set yourself up for long-term marketing success 📈

  • 📥 Capture

    Build a ‘Capture Habit’. Start by capturing all incoming tasks, ideas, and commitments into a trusted system.

  • 🤔 Assess

    Evaluate each captured item to determine its impact, urgency, energy cost, and assign next actions. It involves assessing the significance and urgency of each task or commitment.

  • ☑️ Review

    Review all your current tasks and projects. Choose your top 3 priorities. Also ensure that you review your system as a whole. Use this dedicated ‘Review Time’ to make sure nothing is slipping past you.

  • 💪 Execute

    Take action on the tasks and commitments in your system. It involves actively engaging with your organized lists and working on the identified next steps.

  • 🏃‍♂️ Sustain

    This final step highlights the importance of maintaining the effectiveness of your system over time. It emphasizes sustaining good habits, routines, and practices to ensure continued productivity and organization.

“You can’t create the next killer Superbowl Ad if you’re worried about whether or not you forgot to buy dog food. Building a Trusted System is Step 1 on your Marketing Journey.”

Kevin Veitia,

Creator of the Marketing Ronin Methodology

🎯 Phase 2: Building Marketing Discipline With S.U.R.E.F.I.R.E

Phase 2 builds upon the mindset, habits, and system you’ve acquired in Phase 1 by incorporating marketing-specific habits, frameworks, and methodologies focused on ideation, research, campaign launch, testing, scale, and sustainability. Everything you need to climb to the top of the marketing profession 🏔️

  • 🔭 Study

    The Study step involves conducting thorough research on the target audience, market trends, and competitor analysis. It includes understanding customer preferences, demographics, and psychographics to inform the advertising strategy.

  • 📖 Unveil

    This step focuses on creating a Minimum Viable Campaign, which involves launching an initial version of the ad campaign with basic elements. It allows for early feedback and data collection.

  • ⚙️ Refine

    The Refine step emphasizes testing targeting options to optimize audience segmentation. It involves experimenting with different demographics, interests, behaviors, or other relevant targeting criteria to find the most effective audience.

  • 🧪 Experiment

    This step involves testing various image/video options to determine the most compelling visual content. It includes A/B testing different creative elements, such as visuals, color schemes, layouts, or video formats.

  • 🔧 Fine-Tune

    The Fine-tune step emphasizes testing copy variations to optimize messaging effectiveness. It involves experimenting with different ad copy, language styles, call-to-action phrases, or value propositions to find the most persuasive messaging.

  • 🪜 Iterate

    This step focuses on testing headlines to identify the most attention-grabbing and engaging options. It involves experimenting with different headline variations, length, wording, or formats to optimize ad performance.

  • ✏️ Revise

    The Revise step involves testing landing pages to improve conversion rates. It includes experimenting with different layouts, design elements, content, or forms to optimize the user experience and drive desired actions.

  • 🚀 Expand

    The Expand step emphasizes testing scalability to assess the ad campaign's performance at larger scales. It involves expanding the reach, budget, or targeting parameters to evaluate campaign effectiveness across a broader audience.

🚀 Phase 3: Breaking Past Your Limits

Phase 3 involves breaking past your limits and embracing the revolutionary potential of AI. By the time you master Phase 3, you’ll be fully equipped to do the job of an entire marketing department or agency. This is the path of the Marketing Ronin ⚔️

AI Copywriting

Generative Image Generation

AI-Enhanced Research

AI Copywriting • Generative Image Generation • AI-Enhanced Research •

  • Training & Coaching

    For Individuals & Organizations

    Get the exclusive one-on-one training needed to level up your marketing game. Learn how to take your productivity, creativity, and impact to the next level by incorporating the Total Marketing Ronin Methodology.

  • Resources

    Explore our library of blog posts and PDF downloadables. Each blog post has a sign-up form below it and PDFs are sent directly to your inbox.

What people ask me about Marketing Ronin

Thinking about any of these questions?

  • I understand why you might be skeptical. The world is filled with over-hyped and poorly defined systems which put profit over people.

    Marketing Ronin is different because it’s a system aimed at marketing professionals, specifically. Furthermore, it’s based on timeless, tested principles which have been used by dozens of marketers and advertisers to maintain high levels of productivity and creativity.

    Other systems focus on general work and personal productivity. As a Marketer-specific system, Marketing Ronin provides context-specific frameworks to maximize your impact. One-size never fits all.

  • Because you’ll never do your best work if your mind is bogged down with intrusive thoughts and other mental cruft that you’ve accumulated as a result of not having a trusted system to empty your mind into.

    C.A.R.E.S is a system for achieving personal productivity. It’s only once you have completely mastered this that the S.U.R.E.F.I.R.E method can work to its fullest efficiency.

    S.U.R.E.F.I.R.E is a method created specifically for tackling any marketing or advertising campaign launch. It came about after a decade of direct experience in multiple channels and synthesizes the approaches that have led to excellence into one universal framework that can be applied to any marketing campaign context.

  • You can if you put your mind towards it. We suggest adopting parts of the total methodology slowly and over time, focusing on increasing your productivity and creativity by 1% every day rather than trying to completely transform the way you work.

    By focusing on slow adoption, you’ll build critical habits that will reduce the chance that your productivity system will become overwhelming.

  • Marketing Ronin owes a major debt to existing ‘generalist’ productivity systems. Specifically, Tiago Forte’s BASB and David Allen’s GTD methodologies.

    But Marketing Ronin goes several steps farther. It contains frameworks, habits, mindset recommendations, and practices specifically aimed at Marketing and Advertising productivity.

  • Not if you’re following the methodology correctly. You shouldn’t be spending more than 15-30 minutes actually capturing data, managing inboxes, and doing task management.

    This is a system that prioritizes maximizing your impact as your organization.

Clear Your Mind. Clear Your Obstacles.

The human brain is not fragmented and compartmentalized. Your direct personal life will impact your professional life and vice-versa.

Learn how to master both spheres of your life and you’ll achieve the mastery necessary to achieve whatever you put your mind toward.

Fail to do so and you’ll likely be burdened by the stress caused by modern pressures and complexity. Burnout will be on the horizon.

Get in touch.

If you still have any questions about Marketing Ronin and how it can help you as a marketer or advertiser feel free to reach out.