No More Missed Deadlines: Setting Up a Marketing Productivity System with Todoist

As a marketer, you're constantly juggling a million tasks at once (and that's on a good day!). From managing social media campaigns to writing blog posts, there's never a dull moment. There's a reason why 90% of marketers feel overwhelmed with their workload! But wouldn't it be great if you could streamline some of this work and boost your productivity? I bet you're nodding your head right now. Well, here's some good news: You can! And how, you ask? The answer is Todoist. Marketers who use Todoist report a 30% increase in productivity -- and that's nothing to scoff at.

Now, you might be thinking, "Sure, I've heard of Todoist, but how can it help me with my marketing tasks specifically?" Well, my friend, that's what we're here to explore today. 

So, grab your favorite cup of coffee (or tea, we don't discriminate), settle down, and let's dive into the world of Todoist. By the end of this guide, I promise you'll be a Todoist pro, managing your marketing tasks like a boss. Ready? Let's get started!

Understanding the Key Features and Benefits of Todoist for Marketers

Before we leap into the deep end of setting up a marketing productivity system with Todoist, let's take a good look at some of the features this gem of an app has to offer. Why, you ask? Well, understanding these key features will help us build an effective and efficient system tailored for our marketing needs. So buckle up, let's dive right in. 

Task Organization 

One of the best things about Todoist (and believe me, there are many) is its task organization feature. It allows you to categorize tasks using projects, labels, and filters. And who wouldn't want their tasks neatly organized, right? The better organized your tasks are, the easier it is to keep track of what needs to be done. Trust me, your future self will thank you for this. 

"Neat and tidy task organization is the first step towards marketing productivity."

Task Prioritization 

Now, not all tasks are created equal. Some are more important than others. And that's where Todoist's task prioritization feature comes in handy. With four priority levels, you can easily identify your most critical tasks. I mean, who wants to waste precious time on low-priority tasks when there are more important fish to fry? 


Let's face it, we're not lone rangers in this marketing world. We work with a team, and Todoist is all about teamwork. You can share tasks, assign them, and even comment on them. This feature promotes transparency and accountability within the team, which, according to my humble experience, leads to a more productive and effective marketing operation. 

Reminders and Notifications 

And last but certainly not least, Todoist's reminders and notifications are lifesavers, especially when juggling multiple tasks and projects. These alerts will keep you on your toes, ensuring that deadlines are met and tasks are completed on time. Now, isn't that a feature every marketer dreams of? 

So there you have it, my friends, a glimpse into Todoist's key features and how they can benefit us marketers. With these features, we can set up a robust marketing productivity system that will have us hitting our marketing targets like a pro. So, what are we waiting for? Let's get started with setting up this bad boy!

Tracking Progress: Measuring Your Marketing Productivity with Todoist

Alright, let's dive into the nuts and bolts of this, shall we? One of the best features of Todoist (and believe me, there are many) is its ability to help you track your progress. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always there to remind you of how good (or bad) you're doing. So, how does Todoist help you measure your marketing productivity? Let's break it down. 

Tasks Completed: This is your bread and butter. Every task you complete on Todoist is a testament to your productivity. You can view your completed tasks in the "Activity" section. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that helps you understand what you've accomplished and where you need to push a little harder. 

Karma Points: Now, this is where it gets interesting (and slightly addictive). Todoist uses a gamified approach to productivity with something they call 'Karma Points'. You earn these points by completing tasks, maintaining productivity streaks, and using other features of the app. You can check your Karma Points score in the "Karma" section. It’s kinda like playing a video game, but the high score leads to real-world achievements (cool, right?). 

But wait, there's more! With Todoist, you can also: 

  1. Set daily and weekly goals: This allows you to plan your marketing tasks in detail and track your progress towards these goals.

  2. View productivity charts: These charts visualize your productivity trends over time, helping you identify your most and least productive times.

  3. Track productivity streaks: Similar to Snapchat streaks (remember those?), Todoist has productivity streaks. The more consecutive days you meet your goals, the longer your streak. It's a fun way to motivate yourself!

Here’s a tip straight from the horse's mouth (okay, not a horse, but I’ve been using Todoist for years): Remember to review your tasks and goals regularly. Reflecting on your progress helps you stay on top of your game and adjust your strategies as needed.

So, there you have it. Tracking your marketing productivity with Todoist is not only efficient but also fun. Armed with this knowledge, you’re now ready to conquer your marketing tasks like a pro. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Maximizing Efficiency: Tips and Tricks for Using Todoist Like a Pro

Here we are, now, in the realm of the professional Todoist user. I bet you're wondering, "How can I rock this thing to the fullest?" Well, folks, let me share with you some insider tips and tricks that can turn your productivity up to eleven (who needs ten, right?). 

Master the Keyboard Shortcuts 

When you're in the thick of it, time is of the essence, isn't it? You're juggling tasks, meetings, and maybe a half-eaten sandwich. Believe me, I've been there. But fear not, Todoist has a whole host of keyboard shortcuts ready to make your life a whole lot easier (and your sandwich eating a whole lot cleaner). 

  1. Quick Add: Tap 'q' and you're ready to jot down that brilliant idea.

  2. Quick Comment: Hit 'c' when you need to add a comment to a task.

  3. Complete Task: Just press 'd' to mark a task as done. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Use Filters Like a Boss 

Ever feel like your task list is just a chaotic mess? I know, I know, we've all been there. But what if I told you there's a better way? Todoist's filters are here to help you out. You can create custom filters based on priority, due dates, project, and even your assigned labels. 

"The more you filter, the clearer your task list becomes. It's like cleaning up your room, but without the actual effort."

Take Advantage of Labels 

Labels are like those little sticky notes you have all over your desk, but way more organized. You can tag your tasks with anything from 'urgent' to 'email' to 'alien invasion prep' (hey, you never know!). Plus, you can then filter your tasks by these labels. It's like a double win! 

There you have it, folks! Those are my top tips for maximizing your efficiency with Todoist. Try them out and let me know how they work for you. And remember: productivity isn't just about getting things done—it's about getting them done smartly. Rock on, my fellow taskmasters.

Integrating Other Tools: Making Todoist Work with Your Existing Marketing Stack

Alright, let's dive right into the good stuff! Now that we've covered the basics of Todoist (which, by the way, I'm sure you're already crushing), let's talk about getting Todoist to play nice with your existing marketing tools. Trust me, it's like hosting a party where all your favorite people get along (and no one spills wine on your new rug). 

Because really, what's the point of having a fantastic to-do list manager if it can't interact with the other software you're using on a daily basis? It's like having a superhero with amazing powers, but they refuse to join the Avengers. Come on, Spiderman, get with the program! 

Thankfully, Todoist is not the Spiderman of productivity tools. It's ready and willing to integrate with your current marketing stack. All you've got to do is introduce them. So, how do we do that? 

1. Identify Your Marketing Stack 

First off, make a list of the tools you're using. You might be surprised how many there are when you actually write them all down. Everything from social media management software to email marketing platforms to analytics tools, and more. Got your list? Good. Let's move on. 

2. Check Todoist Integrations 

Next, head over to the Todoist integrations page. Here, you'll find a long list (and I mean long) of tools that Todoist can integrate with. Fingers crossed that most, if not all, of your marketing stack is represented there. If some aren't, don't worry. There are workarounds, which we'll get to in a minute. 

3. Set Up Integrations 

Setting up these integrations is usually as simple as clicking on the tool you want to integrate and following the prompts. Yes, it's that easy! Remember to take it one tool at a time (no need to overwhelm yourself). 

4. Test and Tweak 

Once your integrations are set up, give them a test run. Add tasks, set reminders, and see how they play out in your other tools. You may need to tweak some settings to get everything running smoothly, but that's all part of the process. 

Now, what if some of your tools aren't on the Todoist integration list? Well, that's where Zapier comes in. It's like the peacekeeper at the party, making sure everyone can interact, even if they speak different languages. 

Using Zapier with Todoist 

Zapier is a third-party application that connects different apps and tools, filling in the gaps where direct integrations may not exist. You can set up "Zaps" (essentially automated workflows) between Todoist and your other tools, ensuring that your entire marketing stack is working together beautifully. 

So, there you have it. Now you're not only a Todoist expert, but you're well on your way to becoming a productivity superhero. And remember, every superhero needs a good team. So, don't be like Spiderman, make sure all your tools are integrated and working together. Now, go forth and conquer your to-do list!


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How to Get the Most Out of Things 3: A Marketing Productivity System