How to Get the Most Out of Things 3: A Marketing Productivity System

Hey there, productivity junkies! Ever heard of Things 3? No, I'm not talking about the latest Hollywood blockbuster, but a nifty little task management app that could give your marketing productivity a serious boost. Intrigued? Well, you should be!  Marketers who use productivity tools are 39% more likely to say they are satisfied with their work and those who use task management tools are 10% more likely to complete their work on time.

In my experience, Things 3 is the best Task Manager on the Mac. It's a robust, intuitive tool designed to help you organize your tasks, deadlines, and projects. And guess what? It's got some killer features that could be a marketer's dream come true. So, why not dive into the world of Things 3 and see how it can revamp your marketing productivity? Ready? Let's dive in. 

"Things 3: Your ultimate task-management app to supercharge your marketing productivity. No coffee necessary."

Throughout this article, I'll share my personal journey with Things 3, the good, the bad, and the downright amazing. But don't just take my word for it. You'll get a chance to see how this app can be tailored to your marketing needs, with tips and tricks to get the most out of its features. 

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting, Things 3 has got you covered. From creating marketing campaigns to monitoring your progress, it's all about making your workday smoother and more efficient. So, let's get started on setting up your marketing productivity system for Things 3, shall we? 

Understanding the Key Features and Benefits of Things 3 for Marketers

Oh, where do I even start with Things 3? This task management app is a marvel that marketers like you (and me) can't afford to ignore. It's like having a personal assistant, but without the awkward small talk about the weather. So let's dive in, shall we? 

1. Task Management 

No, Things 3 isn’t some advanced AI that can do your marketing tasks for you (bummer, I know). However, it's the next best thing. It is a beautifully designed and intuitive app that helps you keep track of all your work. You can create simple to-do lists, set deadlines and reminders, and even group related tasks into projects. It’s like that nagging voice in your head, just way more organized (and less annoying). 

2. Areas of Responsibility 

Ever feel like you're juggling too many balls? Well, Things 3 has this nifty feature called 'Areas' that lets you organize tasks based on different aspects of your life – be it personal, work, or that side hustle you’re so passionate about. So, instead of having a chaotic mix of tasks, you get a neat, compartmentalized list. I call it my sanity saver. 

3. Event Integration 

Got a marketing event coming up? No problem. Things 3 lets you connect with your calendar, so all your meetings and events are automatically added to your task list. No more frantic last-minute preps (or so I'd like to believe). 

4. Quick Find 

Let’s face it, even the most organized lists can become overwhelming. That's where Quick Find comes in. Just type in a word or two and boom! The task or project you’re looking for appears. It's like magic, but real. 

5. Checklists and Progress Pie 

I love checklists. They give me a sense of accomplishment (and who doesn't love that?). But Things 3 takes it a notch higher with its Progress Pie. It's a pie chart that fills up as you complete subtasks, giving you a visual representation of your progress. It's oddly satisfying, trust me.

Creating and Organizing Tasks and Projects in Things 3

So you've got Things 3 installed and you're ready to rumble, eh? Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the fun part – creating and organizing tasks and projects. This, my friends, is where the magic happens. Are you ready? Let's do this! 

Let's Get Down to Work! 

First things first. How do you create a task? It's as easy as pie. Just click on the '+' button, type in your task, and voila! You've got yourself a task. But wait, there's more - you can add notes, set a deadline, and even assign it to a project. Now that's what I call productive! 

A Little Project Magic 

Speaking of projects, let's chat about those. You thought tasks were easy? Projects are a walk in the park. Just click on 'New List', type in your project's name, and BOOM! You're a project-making machine. But that's not all. You can also break your projects down into smaller, manageable tasks and even set a timeline. Ain't that neat? 

The Power of Organization 

Now that you've got tasks and projects coming out of your ears, let's talk organization. This is where the beauty of Things 3 really shines. You can group your tasks into projects, assign tags to your tasks, and even set up areas to organize your projects. Now, that's what I call keeping it together! 

It's All About The Tags 

Remember those tags I mentioned? Let's delve a little deeper. Tags are like little superheroes, flying around your tasks, keeping everything in order. Need to see all your urgent tasks? Assign an 'urgent' tag. Want to know what needs doing today? Assign a 'today' tag. The possibilities are endless and as flexible as you want them to be. Tags are genuinely, the spice in the Things 3 soup! 

So, there you have it. You're well on your way to becoming a Things 3 master. While it might seem like a lot to take in, remember what we always say around here – practice makes perfect. Now, go forth and conquer your tasks and projects like the marketing superhero you are!

Tips and Tricks for Using Things 3 to Boost Your Marketing Productivity

Alright, pals, you've got your Things 3 downloaded and you're ready to rock 'n' roll. But how exactly do you squeeze the most out of this gem to pump up your marketing productivity? Well, lucky for you, I've got a few tips and tricks up my sleeve that I'm going to share. Let's dive right in, shall we? 

1. Master the Art of Tagging 

First thing's first, you've got to get your tag game on point. Why, you ask? Well, imagine this: You've got a billion tasks on your plate and you're scrambling to find that one task that's due tomorrow. Sounds stressful, right? That's where tags in Things 3 swoop in to save the day! 

Tagging is like having a well-organized filing cabinet. You know where to find what you need, when you need it. And trust me, that's a lifesaver when you're juggling multiple marketing campaigns.

2. Embrace the 'Today' and 'Upcoming' Views 

Listen up, because this one's a game-changer. The 'Today' and 'Upcoming' views are your best friends in Things 3. They're like a crystal ball, giving you a clear view of what's on your plate for the day and what's looming on the horizon. 

So, instead of getting caught off guard by last-minute tasks, you're always one step ahead. Now that's what I call being on top of your game! 

3. Utilize the 'Anytime' and 'Someday' Views 

Ever have those tasks that don't have a set deadline but you know you need to get to them...someday? That's where the 'Anytime' and 'Someday' views come in handy. They're like your personal reminder system, nudging you about the tasks you need to tackle when you have some free time. Neat, right? 

4. Harness the Power of Checklists 

Checklists in Things 3 are like the Swiss Army Knife of productivity tools. They're versatile, practical, and oh-so satisfying to use. Whether you're planning a social media campaign or organizing an event, breaking down your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks makes everything a whole lot simpler. 

And the best part? Ticking off those tasks – it's like a mini celebration for every small win! 

Alright, that wraps up my top tips for using Things 3 to supercharge your marketing productivity. Don't be shy about experimenting and finding what works best for you. After all, the name of the game is productivity – and Things 3 is your secret weapon. Now go on and conquer the marketing world!


No More Missed Deadlines: Setting Up a Marketing Productivity System with Todoist


Omnifocus for Marketers: How to Set Up a Productivity System That Works