Omnifocus for Marketers: How to Set Up a Productivity System That Works

You've probably heard about Omnifocus, haven't you? This nifty little app is a task management and productivity tool that's been making waves in the business world. But did you know you can use it to give your marketing productivity a serious boost? That's right! This article is going to guide you through setting up a marketing productivity system using Omnifocus. Buckle up, it's going to be an enlightening ride! 

First things first, what is Omnifocus exactly? Well, in a nutshell, it's an app designed to help you manage your tasks. But it's so much more than just that. It's kind of like a Swiss Army knife of productivity tools. You've got your task lists, your projects, your deadlines - and they're all in one place. Sounds pretty great, right? But wait, there's more! (Infomercial voice, anyone?) Omnifocus can be customized to suit your specific needs, and that's where the magic really happens. Especially for us marketers. 

With Omnifocus, you're not just managing your tasks - you're optimizing your workflow. And if you're in marketing, that's kind of a big deal.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "This sounds great, but how do I actually set up a marketing productivity system with Omnifocus?" Don't worry, we're going to cover all of that. And by the end of this article, you'll be an Omnifocus wizard, casting productivity spells left and right. Ready to dive in? Let's do this!

Understanding the Basics of Omnifocus

So, you've heard about Omnifocus, and you're intrigued, right? I was too, once upon a time. It's like hearing about a magical productivity genie ready to grant all your wish-list of tasks. But before we dive into the deep end, let's paddle around in the shallow waters first and get to know the basics of Omnifocus. 

The Interface 

Logging into Omnifocus for the first time might feel a bit like walking into a spaceship. There's a lot going on, but hey, don't fret! It's just a matter of getting familiar with what's what. On your left, you have the sidebar (that's your navigation hub). In the middle, there's the content area where your tasks and projects live. And on the right, you'll find the inspector, where you can view and edit your task details. Got it? Cool, let's move on. 

Projects and Tasks 

At the heart of Omnifocus are two key players: projects and tasks. Think of your project as the main goal you're aiming for, like "Launch Marketing Campaign", and your tasks as the steps to get there (i.e., "Create ad copy", "Schedule social media posts", etc.). You can also set due dates, assign context (more on this later), and even add notes. And the best part? You can set it up just the way you like, because Omnifocus is all about customization, baby! 

Contexts and Perspectives 

Alright, let's talk about contexts and perspectives. No, these aren't fancy philosophical concepts. In Omnifocus, a context could be a place, a person, a tool—anything that defines the situation for a task. It helps you organize tasks based on where you can do them or what you need to do them. And perspectives? They're basically custom views that help you focus on specific things. You can create a perspective for any combination of projects, contexts, and statuses. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, it's a game changer. 

Review Mode 

Remember when your English teacher used to ask you to "revise" your work? Well, Omnifocus has its own version of that. The Review mode lets you, well, review your tasks and projects, checking off what's done, updating what's left, and generally ensuring you're on the right track. It's like your very own task audit, without the scary tax implications! 

So, there you have it, the basics of Omnifocus. It might seem a little overwhelming at first (I remember feeling like I'd walked into a room where everyone was speaking a different language), but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. And when you do, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Customizing Omnifocus for Marketing Needs

Now, let's dive into the fun stuff—customizing Omnifocus for your marketing needs. I mean, the app's already pretty cool, right? But what if I told you it could be even cooler? (Yes, I can hear your collective gasps of excitement.) 

The trick is to tailor the app to suit your unique marketing needs. Omnifocus isn't a one-size-fits-all tool—it's a one-size-fits-you tool. So how exactly can you customize it? Buckle up, folks, because we're about to find out. 

1. Custom Perspectives 

Think of custom perspectives as your personalized dashboard. It's where you can see all the tasks and projects that are most important to you. Want a perspective that only shows tasks related to your current ad campaign? You got it. How about a perspective that displays all your social media tasks? Consider it done. The sky's the limit here, my friends. 

2. Contexts 

You know those nifty little tags you can add to your tasks? Those are contexts. They're like a GPS for your tasks, guiding you to exactly what you need to focus on. Say you have a task to research new hashtags for your Instagram account. You could add contexts like "Instagram" or "research", making it super easy to find when you're ready to work on it. 

3. Automation 

I cannot stress enough the importance of automation. (Seriously, it's a lifesaver.) Omnifocus allows you to automate a lot of your tasks, freeing up more time for you to focus on the real creative stuff. And who doesn't want more time for creativity? 

Note: Omnifocus supports automation through AppleScript. So for all you non-Apple users out there, you might need to find an alternative way to automate your tasks. But don't worry, there are plenty of other tools out there that can help with this.

4. Review Feature 

Lastly, let's talk about the review feature. This nifty function allows you to routinely review your tasks and projects, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Because, let's be real, we've all had those 'oh crap, I totally forgot about that' moments. (Don't lie, you know you have.) 

So there you have it, folks. Customizing Omnifocus for your marketing needs is as easy as 1, 2, 3...4. Remember, the real power of Omnifocus lies in its flexibility. So don't be afraid to play around and see what works best for you. Happy customizing!

Creating Projects and Tasks in Omnifocus

Oh boy, do I love creating projects and tasks in Omnifocus? Heck yeah, I do! It's like the first day of school (but without the nervous jitters and the new lunchbox). So, let's dive right into it, shall we? 

In Omnifocus, projects are what you'd imagine – the big picture, the grand scheme of things. Tasks, on the other hand, are the nitty-gritty details that get you there. They're like the little elves who work tirelessly while you're off pretending to be Santa (or just sleeping, whatever works for you). 

Creating Projects 

Creating a project in Omnifocus is as easy as pie (and just as satisfying!). Here's a quick step-by-step: 

  1. Click on the '+' button (located in the sidebar).

  2. Select 'New Project'.

  3. Give your project a name (the more creative, the better!).

  4. Choose the project type. You can go for a standard project, a single action list, or a parallel project. It's entirely up to you!

Note: Remember to choose a project type based on your needs. A standard project is perfect for tasks that need to be done in order, while a single action list is great for unrelated tasks, and a parallel project is ideal for tasks that can be done simultaneously.

Creating Tasks 

Creating tasks within your project in Omnifocus is like adding toppings to your pizza: you can't wait to dig in! And the process is just as simple: 

  1. Select the project where you want to add the task.

  2. Click on the '+' button.

  3. Enter the task name. Try to make it specific (e.g., 'Write blog post about Omnifocus' instead of just 'Write blog post').

  4. Add a due date, if necessary.

  5. Assign a context, if applicable (like a specific marketing channel).

Voila! You've just created a task within your project. Now all you've got to do is complete it (no pressure!). 

Remember, the key to boosting your marketing productivity with Omnifocus is to consistently create and manage your projects and tasks. It might take you a while to get the hang of it, but you'll soon be creating projects and tasks like a pro (trust me, I speak from experience).

Utilizing Tags and Contexts in Omnifocus

Hey there, fellow marketers! We've all had those days when we're juggling a dozen different tasks and it feels like we're one to-do list away from losing our marbles, haven't we? (Don't worry, I'm right there with you.) This is where the magic of tags and contexts in Omnifocus comes into play. Trust me, once you get a handle on these, you'll feel like you've discovered a superpower. So, let's dive in, shall we? 

Understanding Tags and Contexts 

First off, Omnifocus uses tags and contexts to help you categorize and prioritize your tasks. Think of it as your own personal sorter—like that trusty old drawer organizer, but for your workload. A tag is a label you can apply to your tasks, while a context is a specific situation, place, or person that the task is associated with. It’s like telling your tasks, “Hey, you belong here!” or “I’ll deal with you when I’m in this situation.” 

Creating and Using Tags 

Creating tags in Omnifocus is as easy as pie (and just as satisfying, promise!). Here's how you do it: 

  1. Click on the 'Tags' icon on the toolbar.

  2. Name your tag (Tip: Keep it simple and intuitive).

  3. Assign a hotkey if you want (this is optional, but handy).

  4. Hit 'Save'. Voilà! Your tag is ready to use.

Once you’ve got your tags set up, you can start assigning them to tasks. Let’s say you have a task to write a blog post. You could tag it as ‘Writing,’ ‘Content Creation,’ or even ‘Due Soon’ if the deadline is looming. The point is, you can customize it to suit your needs and workflow. Remember, the app is here to serve you, not the other way around! 

Using Contexts 

Now, let's talk about contexts. These are incredibly useful when you have tasks that are dependent on a certain set of conditions. Think of contexts as your way of telling Omnifocus, "Hey, I can only do this task when I'm at my computer" or "I need to talk to Jane before I can get this done." 

To add a context, you simply click on the 'Context' field when creating or editing a task and type it in. And yes, like tags, you can create as many contexts as you need. The world (or at least, your task list) is your oyster! 

So, there you have it, folks. Mastering tags and contexts in Omnifocus is like learning to juggle—you might drop a few balls at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. And remember, productivity isn’t about doing more, it’s about doing what matters most. Now, go forth and be productive!

Creating Perspectives and Filters in Omnifocus

Alright, now that we've gotten the basics out of the way, let's dive into one of the coolest and most powerful features of Omnifocus— the ability to create custom perspectives and filters. This tool is a marketer's dream, honestly. 

So, what are perspectives and filters? Simply put, they are your own customized views of your tasks. Imagine being able to see only the tasks related to a specific marketing campaign, sorted by due date, and spotlighting any looming deadlines. That's the magic of perspectives and filters. Now, let's get to creating them, shall we? 

Creating Custom Perspectives in Omnifocus 

First things first, you need to know that custom perspectives are available on Omnifocus Pro. (Yes, you've got to shell out a little extra dough, but believe me, it's worth it.) 

Creating a custom perspective is like directing your own movie. You decide what goes in, what stays out, and how everything is arranged. Here's a quick step-by-step guide: 

  1. Click on 'Perspectives' in the menu bar.

  2. Select 'Add Perspective'.

  3. Name your perspective and choose an icon for it.

  4. Use the 'Filter by' dropdown to select how you want to filter tasks.

  5. Choose how you want your tasks sorted and grouped.

  6. Click 'Save' and voila! You've created your custom perspective.

Setting Up Filters in Omnifocus 

Filters, on the other hand, are a little more straightforward. They're like the assistant director of your movie, helping you sort through all the 'extra' tasks and bring the stars to the forefront. Here's how you can set them up: 

  1. Select 'View' in the menu bar.

  2. Click on 'Show View Options'.

  3. Choose the filter options you want in the dropdown menus.

  4. Click 'Done' and you've set up your filters!

One last thing before we conclude this section. Remember, the key to making the most of perspectives and filters is to experiment. Each marketing task is unique and may require a different setup. So, play around, mix and match, and find what works best for you. As I always say, productivity is a personal journey, not a one-size-fits-all blueprint.

Integrating Omnifocus with Other Marketing Tools

All right, folks. Let's dive into our favorite part (or at least, my favorite part) - integrating Omnifocus with other marketing tools. Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't Omnifocus enough?" Well, yes and no. Omnifocus is a fantastic tool by itself, but in the grand scheme of marketing, it's just one piece of the puzzle. So, let's see how we can fit this piece with others to create a grand marketing masterpiece. 

The Omnifocus and Email Combo 

Our first duo is as classic as peanut butter and jelly - Omnifocus and your email. The beauty of Omnifocus is that it can seamlessly integrate with your email, turning your inbox into a task management powerhouse. You can create tasks right from your emails, and what's even better, you can track and manage these tasks without leaving your inbox. 

Combining Omnifocus with Your Calendar 

Next up, we have Omnifocus and your calendar. If you're anything like me, your calendar is your lifeline. With Omnifocus, you can sync your tasks with your calendar, making it easier to plan your day, week, or even month. You'll see your tasks right alongside your meetings, and let's be honest, who doesn't love that level of organization? 

The Dream Team: Omnifocus and Project Management Tools 

Finally, let's talk about integrating Omnifocus with project management tools. Whether you're a fan of Trello, Asana, or Basecamp, Omnifocus can play nicely with them all. You can import tasks from these tools into Omnifocus, giving you a centralized location to manage all your marketing projects. It's like having your cake and eating it too. 

Remember, the goal of integrating Omnifocus with other tools is to streamline your marketing operations, not complicate them. If a certain integration isn't working for you, don't force it. Find what works best for your workflow and stick with it.

So there you have it, folks. A quick guide on how to integrate Omnifocus with other marketing tools. With these integrations, you're not just setting up a marketing productivity system - you're setting up a marketing productivity powerhouse.

Mastering Omnifocus Keyboard Shortcuts

Hey there, productivity gurus! Ever had that moment where you're waist deep in a marketing project, fingers flying across the keyboard, when you suddenly have to stop and switch to your mouse or trackpad just to perform a task in Omnifocus? Frustrating, isn't it? Believe it or not, there's a way to keep your hands on the keyboard, churning out that marketing magic without breaking stride. It's all about mastering Omnifocus keyboard shortcuts. (Yep, it's that simple!) 

The Basics 

We've all got to crawl before we can walk, right? So let's start with the basic Omnifocus keyboard shortcuts. These are the ones you'll likely use most often and they're pretty easy to remember. (Don't worry, there won't be a pop quiz at the end.) 

  • New Task: Command + N

  • Edit Task: Command + E

  • Complete Task: Command + K

  • Delete Task: Command + Delete

Going the Extra Mile 

Alright, now that you've got the basics down, let's step up our game a bit. These shortcuts may take a little longer to memorize, but trust me, they're worth it. They'll help you navigate through Omnifocus like a pro, improving your productivity and making your marketing tasks a breeze. 

  • Go to Inbox: Command + 1

  • Go to Projects: Command + 2

  • Go to Perspectives: Command + 3

  • Go to Review: Command + 4

Remember, it's not about how many shortcuts you know, but about how effectively you use them. Quality over quantity, folks!

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts 

So, you're sittin' there, thinking "How on earth can I make Omnifocus work faster for me?" You've mastered the art of task management, you've color-coded your projects, and you're juggling deadlines like a pro. But what if I told you there's a way to streamline your productivity even further? Yes, my friend, it's time to dive into the world of keyboard shortcuts. Fasten your seatbelts, this is about to get interesting. 

Before we start, just a heads up! Keyboard shortcuts might seem a bit overwhelming at first (like learning to play the piano, am I right?). But trust me, once you get the hang of it, you'll wonder how you ever managed without them. So, let's cut to the chase and get started. 

Understanding the Basics 

Keyboard shortcuts in Omnifocus are essentially combinations of keys that, when pressed together, perform specific tasks. Tasks that would normally take a few clicks can be done in a blink with these magical combos. Cool, huh? 

Customizing Your Own Shortcuts 

Omnifocus does provide default shortcuts, but here's the kicker: you can also customize your own. This is like tailoring your jeans to the perfect fit. You're in control, you decide what works for you. Here's how you can do it: 

  1. Go to the Apple menu and select "System Preferences".

  2. Choose "Keyboard", then click on the "Shortcuts" tab.

  3. Select "App Shortcuts", then click the plus (+) button.

  4. Select "Omnifocus" from the drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the menu command you want to create a shortcut for, and then press the key combination you want to assign to it.

Voila! You've just customized your first keyboard shortcut. Give yourself a pat on the back. 

Remember, the key to mastering keyboard shortcuts is practice. Don't give up if it feels hard initially. You've got this!

So, ready to kick-start your productivity with these nifty keyboard shortcuts? You betcha! Now, go on and conquer the world... or at least your day's tasks.

Optimizing Omnifocus for Remote Work

Remote work has been quite the buzzword these days, hasn't it? (Trust me, I've been there and done that.) And it's not just about working from your couch in your PJs. It requires concerted effort and smart productivity tools, like Omnifocus. So how do we optimize Omnifocus for this new work-from-anywhere era? Let's dive in. 

1. Categorizing Tasks by Environment 

When we talk about remote work, we're not just talking about working from home. You could be working from a coffee shop, a library, or even a park. (Hey, I'm not here to judge.) So, the first thing to do is categorize your tasks based on the environment. Use the Tags feature in Omnifocus to assign tasks to specific locations. 

2. Defining Time Blocks 

Do you tend to lose track of time while working remotely? (It happens to the best of us.) Omnifocus can help with that by allowing you to assign specific time blocks to tasks. This way, you can manage your time more efficiently and avoid the notorious time-suck that is 'just one more email' syndrome. 

3. Making Use of Custom Perspectives 

Another nifty feature of Omnifocus that’s perfect for remote work is the Custom Perspectives feature. This allows you to create personalized views of your tasks, so you can filter out the noise and focus on what's important. (I mean, who doesn’t love a bit of personalization?) 

4. Utilizing the Forecast View 

Remember when your boss would pop into your cubicle unannounced to discuss project deadlines? (I still have nightmares.) Well, with the Forecast View in Omnifocus, you can say goodbye to those surprise visits. This feature allows you to see upcoming tasks and deadlines at a glance, so you can plan your work schedule accordingly. 

In conclusion, it’s all about how you customize and utilize the features that Omnifocus offers. After all, a tool is only as effective as the person using it. (And I know you're a rockstar.) So why not give these tips a try and see how they can enhance your remote work productivity? Trust me, your sofa (and your boss) will thank you.

Maximizing Marketing Productivity with Omnifocus

Hey there, fellow marketer! Have you ever felt like you're juggling a thousand tasks at once, with deadlines looming over you like a hawk eyeing its prey? We've all been there. But what if we told you there's an app that can declutter your work life and boost your marketing productivity to sky-high levels? Yes, that's right. Meet Omnifocus, your new productivity partner. 

But how, you may ask? How can this app transform my chaotic work life into a productivity paradise? Well, let's dive into it, shall we? 

Task Management made Simple 

With Omnifocus, task management becomes as easy as pie. You can create tasks, add due dates, and even set repeats for recurring tasks. And the best part? You can arrange these tasks into projects, keeping everything organized and manageable. It's like having a personal assistant without the hefty paycheck! Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? 

Context-Driven Work 

Omnifocus uses a unique 'context' feature that allows you to assign each task to a specific context based on location, resources, or any other parameter you deem fit. So, whether you're at the office, on your couch, or even on a deserted island, Omnifocus helps you stay on top of your game. Yes, even on a deserted island! 

Review and Forecast 

One of the standout features of Omnifocus is its 'Review' and 'Forecast' functionality. The Review feature lets you look back and analyze completed tasks, providing invaluable insights into your productivity trends. On the other hand, the Forecast feature gives you a glimpse into your upcoming tasks and deadlines, keeping you prepared for what's ahead. It's like having a crystal ball – only better! 

So, are you ready to take your marketing productivity to the next level with Omnifocus? We thought so. Strap in, because you're in for an exhilarating productivity ride!


How to Get the Most Out of Things 3: A Marketing Productivity System


Why You Should Rethink Due Dates and Adopt a Defer Dates Approach